About Us
Range Amenities
25-Yard Pistol Range with pavilion
50-Yard Rifle Range with pavilion
100-yard Rifle Zero Range
Indoor classroom w/ restroom
Outdoor restrooms (porta-johns)
Jess Butterworth
Randy has over 30 years in Law Enforcement, is an avid shooter and a Marine Corps veteran
Randy has attended numerous training classes covering pistol, rifle and shotgun. Those classes include
NRA Range Safety Officer, pistol operator, police carbine operator, undercover concealed carry, low light
handgun, shoot house, downed officer civilian rescue, two-man room clearing, vehicle CQB, working
with and from vehicles, etc. He also competes in local and national matches. -
-O.P.O.T.A. Semi-Auto Pistol Instructor
-O.P.O.T.A. Police Rifle Carbine Instructor
-88 Tactical Vehicle CQB Instructor
-N.R.A. Certified Pistol Instructor