Vehicle Engagements
Click here to Register for this Class (if it's on the schedule)
LEO: Click here to Register for the LEO Class (if it's on the schedule)
This class is all about moving in, through, and around vehicles for cover. Shooting under, over, around, and through vehicles. Learn how to port a windshield, and learn first-hand what will stop a bullet and what will not. Put your theories and everyone else’s myths into practice. Utilize your vehicle or someone else’s to save your life and others.
- Prerequisite: P.E. 1 & 2 or equivalent
- Time: 0800 – 1630.
- Check-in: 0715 – 0745 Hrs.
- Cost: $165 - Range Fee Included
Please bring your lunch!
Dress for the weather, class will continue rain or shine.
Equipment Required
- Good quality working semiautomatic pistol. No revolvers, please. No calibers smaller than a 9 MM.
- Good quality holster. One that does not collapse when the gun is drawn. No Vanguard-type holsters, No Serpa-type holsters (LEO excluded), and no shoulder holsters.
- A magazine pouch. One is sufficient, you can place the rest of your magazines in your pockets.
- 250-300 rds. of good quality ammunition. No reloads, please!
- 3-4 magazines for double-stack pistols and 5-6 magazines for single-stack pistols.
- Eye and Ear protection, N95 mask or equivalent, Knee and elbow pads strongly recommended
- Long Sleeve T-shirt, Rain Gear, Bug repellent, Sunblock, Pocket notebook
- Baseball style hat is recommended
- Water, hydration, snacks