This class is tailored for Law Enforcement to prepare and improve your shooting skill set to survive a violent attack on the streets. It will cover proper stance, draw, grip, sight alignment, sight picture, and trigger control. The student will shoot from positions; standing, squatting, kneeling, and urban prone. This class will cover proper carry, ready positions, and immediate post engagements. It will also cover warrior mindset, shooting on the move, multiple targets, barricades – cover and concealment, and proper one-hand shooting techniques. We will shoot at paper and steel targets that will mainly consist of 25 yards and in. We will cover reloads and malfunctions, safety, and medical brief.
Prerequisite: OPOTA certification or equivalent
Time: 0800-1630
Check-in: 0715 – 0745 Hrs.
Cost: $100 - Range Fee included.
Please bring your lunch!
Dress for the weather, the class will continue rain or shine.
Equipment Required:
Good quality working semiautomatic pistol. No revolvers, please.
No calibers smaller than a 9 MM.
Good quality duty holster and duty belt with ammo pouch
Can wear plain clothes with a concealable holster with ammo pouch
400 - 450 rds. of good quality ammunition. No reloads, please!
3-4 magazines for double-stack pistols
5-6 magazines for single-stack pistols.
Eye and Ear protection
Rain Gear
Bug repellent
Pocket notebook
Baseball style hat is recommended
Water, hydration, snacks